In light of the feminist movement, it only stands to reason that the youth are choosing to "identify as non-binary." Before the feminist movement began in the late 19th century, the world was generally …More
In light of the feminist movement, it only stands to reason that the youth are choosing to "identify as non-binary." Before the feminist movement began in the late 19th century, the world was generally absolutely "binary." Men were men and women were women. They had distinct roles in the family, society and the Church, based on GOD's Natural Laws. Women were men's "help mates." They were religious sisters, they were homemakers. Their roles were strictly "binary," or absolute according to Natural Law. Then a general "binary" rebellion began around the year 1880 (the same time Pope Leo XIII had his famous vision of Satan being loosed for 100 years). From that time forward began the gender "non-binary" revolution. Women rebelled (with the approval of many men) against their binary roles of being homemakers or nuns ("Mothers"- natural or spiritual). They desired to have unnatural public roles outside the home or convent ie: business, political, educational etc. They desired to be "like men." They became masculine and the men effeminate. Everything was progressing toward a gender neutral or non-binary society. The wicked fruit of this rebellion of GOD ordained gender roles has blossomed into the modern "alphabet soup" generation. We must be "Binary Counterrevolutionaries." Our perfect examples are Our LORD, Our Lady & the Saints. Raise your sons to be Spiritual Fathers (like Our LORD) and your daughters, Spiritual Mothers (like Our Lady). Next best is Fathers and Mothers after the examples of the Married Saints. We must be cultural "signs of contradiction," as were Our LORD and Our Lady and the Saints. Men be men and women be women, in roles, actions and attire. With GOD'S Grace and a good will on our part, this is not only possible but certain! 🙏
Well, all of that didn't come initially from women; it was part of the Agenda, well planned in advance to further communism, destroy families, and so on. Women, and men too to some extent, were brain washed as during the recent scandemic.
Satan's "Agenda" has not changed since the Garden. Deceive the "weaker vessel" in order to turn man away from GOD. But by GOD'S Grace women and men can resist this continued plan.